Skin is More that Meets the Eye! March 19, 2021Karen Ciesar Caring for ourselves has been twisted into a strange version of its original raison d'etre. Self-care is cast into an odd light within the context of a culture that doesn't...
International Women's (Womb/men's) Day March 09, 2021Karen Ciesar3 comments International Women's Day is special this year because there is a sea change in the mind of humanity. We are at a planetary precipice, in which we have the hindsight...
The Secret to Supple Skin in Harsh Winter February 11, 2021Karen Ciesar The polar vortex, the vigilant hand washing, the dry air, all coalesce to deeply dehydrate your skin leaving you chapped, flaky, cracking and raw. Unless you've got Trillium's Solutions at...
Celebrating Brigid this Imbolc - Our Patron Goddess February 02, 2021Karen Ciesar Trillium Herbal Company was inspired by the Glow of Goddess magic; Brigid being our Patron Goddess. She shows us the way through to the Triple Goddess aspect. She holds the...
Vibrational Hygiene January 31, 2021Karen Ciesar1 comment Ready to Vibe up? Start with a dry body, grab a good handful of Body Polish and smooth it over your entire body. Then (and here's where the magic really happens) ...